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Key moments in the Tidewater Communities Project

April - December, 2010

Gas holder project

August - September 2010

August 25, 2010

September 1, 2010

early September, 2010

October 2010

November 2010

December 17, 2010

January 11, 2011

July 29, 2011

August 1, 2011

Spring 2012

March 2012

March 22, 2012

June 19 and 20, 2012


January 29, 2013

March 27, 2013

Spring 2013

September 13, 2013

October 1, 2013

Treatment of sludge in bottom of gas holders creates strong chemical smells, prompting complaints from community members. 
DEM officials register complaint about odors from a resident of an apartment building next to the site.
DEM officials receive complaint from community member who has heard that contaminants are being dumped into the river.
Department of Environmental Management officials visit site to investigate complaints.  Finding no irregularities, the work is allowed to continue.
Continued complaints prompt further investigation.  DEM officials request data from air monitors.  
Data from air monitoring confirms that high levels of hazardous chemicals were released during the work.
In response to public concerns, DEM officials create public website with information on the Tidewater site.  [Visit the site here.]
DEM requests the submission of updates on the site on a weekly basis from National Grid.
Public meeting held at International Charter School.  National Grid presents information on the work and responds to questions.
DEM begins investigation to see whether violation of Air Pollution Control Regulation # 14 occured in Holder Decommissioning Project.
National Grid submits Site Investigation DATA Report.  This is a complete analysis of the Tidewater site and its hazards.  It comprises the first portion of the remediation proposal.  The second portion will be submitted in July 2011.
Convening of a Tidewater stakeholders group at the International Charter School (ICS).
ICS stakeholders group sends request to property owner for more information on site and work. 
National Grid submits the Remedial Alternative Evaluation Report.  This, in combination with the SIDR, comprises the remediation proposal.  The proposal has since been under review by the Department of Environmental Management.
DEM officials notify National Grid that they will not pursue violation for releases during Gas Holder project. 
Community organizing campaign in preparation for holding a community meeting.  The meeting is intended to provide information on the site so that members of the community can prepare for the remediation proposal.
Community meeting held at International Charter School.  Concerns about ongoing work on the site are raised.  More than twenty-five attendees sign a petition requesting the creation of a "Public Involvement Plan" that will insure that community members have greater involvement with the site.
Letter to National Grid requesting greater public involvement in ongoing activities.
National Grid response
National Grid holds open interviews for Public Involvement Process.  They invite communication of concerns about the site, and recommendations for improving public involvement.
National Grid convenes public meeting to present proposed PIP.  It includes many important initiatives, including the creation bulletin boards in the community to alert people to the status of work on the site; a sign-up list for all those who would like information on the site, community information meeting on the property.  Meanwhile, much concern and frustration was expressed by community members at the meeting.  Community members ask about vapor intrusion.  DEM officials offer to make testing available to families who live along the Tidewater property line.
National Grid hosts community outreach session at the Varieur School. 
Stakeholders group makes request to DEM for vapor intrusion testing.
National Grid initially refuses, but later agrees to test the soil for evidence of chemicals that could cause vapor intrusion.
In preparing proposal for soil gas testing, National Grid discovers an error in previous testing at the Varieur School.  Tidewater Stakeholders contact Pawtucket School District advocating for retesting of Varieur. 
DEM officials also encourage the school district to undertake this work.
National Grid submits report from its soil gas testing. 
DEM official sends second letter to Pawtucket School District.  This letter informs them that high levels of TCE and PCE were found in the testing that National Grid conducted close to the school.  Encourages testing..
DEM officials and National Grid reps hold public meeting to report on results from the vapor intrusion.  Once again, members of the community express great frustration. 

March 6, 2014

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